Whole Child Health Alliance
Nemours Children’s Health became a founding
member of The Whole Child Health Alliance in 2022.
The Alliance, a diverse group of health care providers, non-profit organizations and subject matter experts, advances whole child health models that promote children’s optimal health, development, and well-being across the life course while improving health equity through delivery and payment reforms.

The Key Elements
One of its first acts as an Alliance was to develop a set of “Key Elements” for whole child health delivery and payment models. These Key Elements represent essential components of holistic, family-centered child health approaches that support optimal health, development and well-being.
Promoting Health Equity
Integrating Care Delivery and Social Supports
Aligning Care for Families
Fostering Healthy Communities
Supporting a Diverse, Multidisciplinary Workforce
Incentivizing Cross-Sector Data Partnerships
Advancing Financing Reforms that Incentivize Optimal Health
Addressing Quality Improvement and Performance

Who are the members of the Whole Child Health Alliance?
In addition to Nemours Children’s Health, general members of the Alliance include: Aligning for Health, AmeriHealth Caritas, DC, Center for Health Care Strategies, Center for the Study of Social Policy, Children’s Hospital Association, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Delaware Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, Families USA, First Focus on Children, Healthy Schools Campaign, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Mental Health America, Seattle Children’s, Trust for America’s Health, UnitedHealthcare Community & State, and ZERO TO THREE.
The Alliance utilizes the Key Elements to assess and develop whole child health models and policy proposals. It is also developing companion documents for several audiences such as Congress and executive branch agencies.