Paying for value equals better health.
Understand what health is (hint: it’s not just medical care). Pay for health. Start with children. We believe these three simple actions can change the health trajectory of our nation.
Well Beyond Medicine is the cornerstone of our organizational strategy.
To achieve our vision of creating the healthiest generations of children, we’re consulting with those who know children best — their families, educators and other supportive community partners — to ensure our perspective of health includes the 80% of impacts they experience outside our walls. We are also working with payers and policymakers to align how health is valued, incentivized and compensated.

Our Value-Based
Services Organization
Since forming in 2018, the Nemours Children’s Value-Based Services Organization (VBSO) has expanded its integrated teams devoted to population health, care management and coordination, and more. Several key milestones have been achieved along our journey.

Value-Based Services Highlights
Medical Management
Grew to 15 value-based contracts covering 190,000
lives with $290.5M expense managed
Data, Analytics & Technology
Pushed Innovaccer In-Graph platform live with community partners to track claims,
risk, ED utilization, and
other key performance indicators to support medical and population health management
Population Health Management
Completed 76,000 Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) screenings with patient families since launching the tool in 2020
Primary Care
Ensuring access to Primary Care services for students enrolled in 10 School-Based Health Centers managed by Nemours Children’s Health
Clinically Integrated Network
Achieved $5.1M in shared savings and an additional $700,000 in earned incentives for meeting quality performance goals
Explore all the ways.
Check out the articles below to see four ways we’re designing value-based models.
Innovative community partnerships help families HEAL.
Our innovative HEAL (Health Enabling Assistance & Loan) Program, part of our Population Health work in the VBSO, is a social impact investment model intended to provide short-term financial support to families with financial needs that are impacting their child’s health. This is accomplished through a partnership between Nemours Children’s Health and Discover Bank, allowing families who do not qualify for other assistance to access a loan and financial coaching

Well Beyond Medicine Podcast
Episode 38: A Conversation with Alex Azar and Dr. Larry Moss
Listen in as former United States Secretary of Health & Human Services Alex Azar and Nemours Children’s Health President & CEO Dr. Larry Moss discuss health models that will move the needle to create better health for children across the U.S