Leveraging Clinical Excellence
Clinical Pathways improve outcomes and efficiencies.
Implementing Clinical Pathways has improved the way we provide care, yielding tangible benefits both in terms of patient outcomes and operational excellence. By streamlining our processes, all locations have successfully reduced unnecessary medicine and testing utilization, reflecting an evidence-based approach to delivering care.

6 Active Enterprise Pathways
- Bronchiolitis
- Gastroenteritis
- Post-Cardiac Arrest
- Neonatal Seizure
- Status Epilepticus
- Behavior De-escalation
Pathways In Implementation
- Acute Otitis Media
- Appendicitis
- Gastronomy Tube
- Skin & Soft Tissue Infection
Pathways Under Development
- Asthma
- Sepsis
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
- Sickle Cell Disease
- Necrotizing Enterocolitis
- Constipation
- Spinal Fusion
- Febrile Neonate
Each Clinical Pathway includes:
An easy-to-access, evidence-based diagnosis and treatment decision algorithm
Condition-specific tools within the electronic health record (EHR)
Appropriate metrics and/or dashboards monitoring patient outcomes, operational impact and clinician adherence
Condition-specific and unit-specific process changes designed to deliver the right clinical care effectively and efficiently as defined by the algorithm
Promising Results — Effective Use of Clinical Pathways Has Resulted In:
Decreased Albuterol Ordering From 26% Down to 14%
Reduction in Primary Care Steroid Ordering from 8% to 2%
Reduced Utilization of Blood Glucose Tests From 17% to 10%
100% Compliance with Medication Treatments for Neonatal Seizures and Status Epileptics Patients
Bronchiolitis First Pathway Adopted by a Partner Hospital